Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Humans were created to be different in their behaviour and personalities, which is why you can never find two people behaving the same way but in these diversities, we all fall short of each other's expectations, thereby offending and hurting one another.

You and i have being hurt by people we hold so dear to our hearts and at times the hurt is so deep, we do not want to let go or forgive. We can over react over certain issues some times and decide to keep our distance but a brother once told me that no matter who is at fault, telling your partner "AM SORRY' not only makes you sort out a lot of  issues that would have gone wrong, it also puts you above the person and takes away the power of the other party from saying wrong things about you.  

Taking action instead of reacting is one of the steps of showing your sense of maturity. Maturity is proven when you apply what you have known and be the first to say AM SORRY.

A lot of people find it difficult to apologize but i have come to learn over time that there is power in apologizing. Your hurt may be justified by your actions but letting go of the hurt only shows the prisoner you thought was caged was actually you.

Uhmmm, you heard me right. So dear visitors, get off your high horse and call that person you hurt or hurt you and say AM Sorry. E hugs

Tatafo Section

Hey my people! some persons can lie for a country ooo, no be small thing. they over exaggerate issues either to boost their image or ruin another person's reputation or cover up their misdeeds.

Hmmmm, i have seen people lying so convincingly that you confuse the lie for truth. Men lie , women lie but what do you benefit from lying all the time? People lie about their where about on phone, they lie to their spouses and family members, they lie about their job, marital status, income and whatever BUT do i have to confirm from my wristwatch when you greet me good morning before you know your lies are too obvious to be ignored?

You need One million lies to back up one lie and at the end of everything, the truth would still standout. I would not tell you  that all liars would go to hell as you expect pastors to shove at your face but that your Integrity is highly questioned when you are known to always tell lies.

Abeg ooo repent and stop lying.

To all liars, 
Just dey lie there,
Linus, Olainyinka, De laila.
Lol "Tongue Out".

Paradise in a swamp

on August 31st while driving down from Wuse 2, i noticed a huge crowd looking down the overhead bridge. Underneath the bridge was found a wrecked jeep destroyed beyond repairs but my greatest amazement was what i discovered under that bridge. Therein lie another world. You never know such an economy exists even in the beautiful city of abuja.

Now this discovery made me reflect on the number of people living in unhealthy environments trying to find a living. its a different world on its own. My people, that is their paradise.

while i was gasping at the extent of the accident, i saw a woman busy at the other end of the bridge preparing food to sell to her customers while these prospects waited on her. Less than a minute from that angle, are a group of young men gathering sand from a flowing drainage and another arranging different items. All these were happening under the bridge. Hmm.. what a world we live in .

So dear readers always appreciate God for where ever you are.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

lets hear from you 2.


If you went to primary and Junior secondary Schools at the time I did which, was in the early to middle nineties, you may have come across this acronym MR NIGER D which stands for Death, Respiration, Excretion, Growth, etc funny right? But I’m concerned more with the letter G, which is Growth.

We grow everyday especially physically except you have had a drink from the fabled fountain of youth (pirates of the Caribbean). If you observe closely you are a little bit or a whole different from how you where some 20years ago, 10 years ago, last year and even a month ago. These changes can be referred to as physical growth and we don’t stop growing till we die

My question is how many of us have really GROWN! In terms of Spiritually, Mentally, Relationship wise, and Career wise. If the difference between what you know now and what you knew a while back or even yesterday, is still the same, then it might be safe to assume that at the point you are, growth has stopped and that in itself is dangerous (likened to death).

I could choose to ramble and school us about growing, but that would be me being self-righteous. And since I am not, I’ll share this quote from a renowned leadership and growth teacher John Mason. It reads; To discover your purpose, you need to grow in self awareness. To become a better human being, you need to grow in character. To advance in your career you need to grow in your skills. To be a better spouse or parent, you need to grow in relationships. To reach your financial goals, you need to grow in knowledge about how money works. To enrich your soul, you need to grow spiritually.

Now the choice is yours, to keep GROWING or to ATROPHY (Die slowly) while you still live.

Credit : Andrew Ohifuemen

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Pot of thoughts 4

Positive thinking starts with self talk. These thoughts can be positive or negative . Some comes from logic and reason while others arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information. If our thoughts are mostly negative, our outlook on life is more likely pessimistic while a positive thinking is optimistic.

Benefits of positive thinking :
a. It increases life span .
b. Lowers rates of depression and levels of distress.
c.Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress.
d. Better psychological and physical well being

How to turn negative thinking to positive thinking .
1. Identify areas of change: identify areas of our life that you typically think negatively about whether it works. You can start small by focusing on how to approach issues in a more positive way.
2. Check your self: periodically stop and evaluate what you are thinking and find a way to spin a negative thought to a positive thought.
3. be open to humor : seek hunit in every day happening. When you laugh at life , you feel less stressed.
4. Surround your self with positive people: make sure those around you are positive people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feed back.
5. Practice positive self talk: don't say anything to yourself, you won't say to anyone else. Be gentle and encouraging to your self .

A positive attitude causes a chain of reaction of positive thoughts  events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extra ordinary results . Wade Boggs .

Dear visitors, please work on your thoughts. Poppa I have to attend to an emergency. See u soonest.

Heart cries 4

Going  down memory lane , I remember that as young children, there were words we could not say because you would be regarded as wayward children. Then, the rate of sexual perversion was a bit curtailed and crime rate was not as hineous as it is now. These days , people talk about their sexual escapades without impunity and things that were meant to be heard only behind closed doors and for the ears of adults only is now discussed publicly.

I have heard Ladies talk about their sexual experiences like its a norm and married women advising friends whose husbands are busy and hardly around to engage in extra marital affairs without regards to their marital vows. A lot of people would say this is the jet age and people are more enlightened than they were before. But , I do know that whatever was not cuturally accepted before would not still be , no matter the level of exposure.

Sexual perversion as defined by Wikipedia is a type of human behavior that deviates from that which is understood to be normal. They could be abnormal, repulsive or obsessive. There are a whole lot of sexual perversion on going but I would list a few. They include masturbation, sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender, pedophiles, bestiality, necrophilia, fetishes, sadomasochism, incest amongst others.

In as much as a whole lot of people want to be trendy, I strongly recommend we allow God's word create in us a heart that would trust and love God only and not allow the deceitful ness of this life away us away from his loving grace.