Humans were created to be different in their behaviour and personalities, which is why you can never find two people behaving the same way but in these diversities, we all fall short of each other's expectations, thereby offending and hurting one another.
You and i have being hurt by people we hold so dear to our hearts and at times the hurt is so deep, we do not want to let go or forgive. We can over react over certain issues some times and decide to keep our distance but a brother once told me that no matter who is at fault, telling your partner "AM SORRY' not only makes you sort out a lot of issues that would have gone wrong, it also puts you above the person and takes away the power of the other party from saying wrong things about you.
Taking action instead of reacting is one of the steps of showing your sense of maturity. Maturity is proven when you apply what you have known and be the first to say AM SORRY.
A lot of people find it difficult to apologize but i have come to learn over time that there is power in apologizing. Your hurt may be justified by your actions but letting go of the hurt only shows the prisoner you thought was caged was actually you.
Uhmmm, you heard me right. So dear visitors, get off your high horse and call that person you hurt or hurt you and say AM Sorry. E hugs