Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Don't give up

Have you sat down and thought why people think without them you won't survive. Well I know a lot of people who have given up on life because someone out there you once trusted disappointed you. Some have even thrown in the towel believing there is no way out.

My question to them is have you forgotten when the bible said "do not put your trust in man or princes but in God". Well I don't think the writer of that portion in the bible made a mistake.

God most times uses men to bless other man but when he sees the glory due to him is being diverted,he steps in because he is too jealous a God to share his glory with man. Never for once think your life has ended when that person failed you or threw you out to no where. If the birds of the air don't struggle to eat and survive and the flowers we see today and tomorrow is withered, is clothed in beautiful colours don't struggle to be, do you think God would not make a way for you.

The scriptures said he would cause waters to flow in your desert. No matter what represent "a desert" around you, he would always make a way.

So dearest, don't give up, help is on the way just look up to God.

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