Momoh K
Vision is a blue print to building a bridge to the future
Result is the greatest motivator
Success leaves clue
Learn to be smart and don't short change your opponent
Motivation cannot come from without but from within
It's so good to love someone so much that it hurts - Marilyn Cyprus
You don't climb a smooth mountain- anonymous
Pst Wale
Don't enrich yourself by hurting others
It is not everyone you give money to that you are helping, instead you are funding a life style
Jim Rohn
If you rest too long, the jungle would overtake your enterprise.
You must not loose a war by taking off too early
You cannot drift to the top of the mountain.
Unless you change what you have, you would always get what you are.
Your income changes as you change.
Trust but verify- Russian proverb.
You don't bite the hand that fed you.- African proverb
add more nuggets to inspire us at the comment section ...winks
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